This article is one of the best buyer’s guides, I have seen when it comes to buying a camera.
Everything you need to know about buying a camera | The Verge.
This article is one of the best buyer’s guides, I have seen when it comes to buying a camera.
Everything you need to know about buying a camera | The Verge.
If you run A/B tests on your website and regularly check ongoing experiments for significant results, you might be falling prey to what statisticians call repeated significance testing errors. As a result, even though your dashboard says a result is statistically significant, there’s a good chance that it’s actually insignificant.
Apple: Will Next Gen iMac Have Apple TV Built In? – Forbes.
I don’t know if this is true, but I sure want it to be true. I’d love to have an iMac for my office that was also a TV!
That’s it, I think — that’s the biggest message from Jobs’ life. Don’t try to be like Steve. Don’t try to be like anyone.
Be yourself and work as hard as you can to bring wonderful things into the world. Figure out how you want to contribute and do that, in your own way, on your own terms, as hard as you can, as much as you can, as long as you can.
Why Building Great Admin Dashboards Can Lead To Amazing Product | @MapleButter.
Interesting thoughts on how monitoring your application or product can help you identify how to make a better product right from the get-go.
Howdy. in my last post, I described a challenge that my brother and I undertook: To build a working version of an app in less than week. Well, we missed the deadline.
Our first version is rather raw lacking some very important features. We’re still working, and we’ll release a beta when it gets a little more polish. We could have made it, but we both decided family time and sleep were more important. What did we learn?
By setting an overly aggressive deadline, we were forced to make choices in the feature set. If we knew we had two weeks to complete it, we would really have added too much. By setting the deadline, we cut everything we didn’t need which hopefully will make it easier for us and the our prospective users.
More details to come and lessons learned.
I can’t wait! I’m starting work on a new project. It’s the first independent project in a while that has captured some momentum. Hopefully, we can take what we learned from our previous simpleweight project and apply the lessons to create a more useful venture.
What’s the itch?
I’m scratching an itch, because I need motivation to take my eating/exercise habits to the next healthy and better level. I mentioned that to Ryan, and he said something similar. He was ready to challenge me to a fat-off right then and there.
So, last night, we conceived of the new project (name still pending review) 1. My brother and I wanted to get something started again on a project. So, Ryan dared me to create our first version by May 9th. My first thought, was whoa, Mother’s day is this Sunday. I realized it was an excuse. So, I picked up the gauntlet and accepted the challenge. In fact, I dog dared him to the challenge. So here’s our plan: Over the next few days, We are using our spare time, and will create it. Its still early, and anything can derail our new project, but stay tuned. We’re still flushing out some details. When I have news, I’ll share. I want to blog about it, because it will keep me honest and dedicated to meeting the challenge.
1 In reality, the project is a an idea we’ve had for a while and just hadn’t taken action.
2 Photo source: Amagil
Remember, myths are not true. In no particular order:
Obviously, not all of these myths should be taken as Gospel. As with normal fictional stories, there is often a grain a truth that can be found in the myth.
For 80% of the small and medium business websites out there, Search Engine Optimization should be 20% of your web activity. The rest of your activity should be concentrated on generating the absolute best, unique, and new content for your targeted market niche(s). I know one of the Myths of SEO is about quality. However, I have found in my experience that most websites are just not producing enough new, unique, fabulous content. Start there. As long as you follow the major beginner guidelines for SEO, you will be fine.
What are those guidelines? I’ll leave that for another post. In the meantime, you can look at these other important references used to verify the myths above.
Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide
Google’s SEO Report Card – Google Webmaster Central
YouTube – GoogleWebmasterHelp’s Channel
Well, I am attempting my first live-blogging session. I am at the Software Craftsman North America conference in Chicago.
Here are my notes, I’ll refine them later and and plan on updating them as I go.
Updated 2009-08-27. I added bookmark links to the different sessions. Still plan on editing some of this to make it more readable.
Here’ are the sessions I attended and took notes for:
As part of my IT Director position, I often have to support users with various end user questions.
One of the questions I had recently,
We upgraded our Microsoft Office from Office xx to Office 2007. I now open my labels for mail merge, and I don’t see the gridlines. How do I get them back?
How to enable the virtual outlines or gridlines for labels in Microsoft Office 2007:
Here are some screenshots: