Day 2: Three Writing Habits.

Did I write on Nov 2?  yes, yes I did.  A nice little article for my Weight Management Blog.  Wait a minute, wasn’t I supposed to be writing a book?

Isn’t the whole Prag Pro Wri Mo, November National Writing Month about writing books?

It sure is, but remember my goal was to write every day of November.  I set my rung on the ladder a little bit lower than writing an entire book.  Although, I still plan on writing a book.  It is just going to take longer than expected.

Writing lessons learned today:  Starting an intensive writing event takes support from all those involved with your time commitments.  In other words, writing must take a priority in your daily schedule.  When children are sick, your wife is out of town, and technology project deadlines are looming, time management becomes a challenge.  I know it sounds like excuses to me too.  So, I did meet my goal.  I wrote.

I saw something great from Merlin Mann today.

Top 1 Habits of Amazing Writers

  1. They Write

That is so true. stephen_king_on_writing Personally, I think you need to add at least one more habit, and maybe two more habits.  Here’s my list of Amazing Writers’ habits:

  1. They Write, They Write, They Write some more.
  2. They Read
  3. They ruthlessly Edit