This is the first article in a multi-part series about the Traits of a good Technology class.
One of the questions I get asked all the time is What makes a good class? Is it the trainer? Is it the book? Is it the students?
We’ve all been to class. Some of you may remember looking at the clock in grammar school, counting down the minutes until the day was over. Others may have fond memories of listening to a Professor lecture to 1000 students in a gigantic college lecture hall. Still others are taught at home at the kitchen table, learning science through every day experiments.
What’s related? The objective of knowledge transfer. The idea of transferring knowledge from the teacher to the student. Some modes of learning are more effective for some students than others. Yet, there are still some standard commonalities.
As a facilitator, teacher, trainer, attendee of 100’s, if not 1000’s of classes. I have identified some common traits that all Good Technology Training classes have. The first of the Traits is: good books.
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